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How to Build Personalized Ad Experiences


“我想谈谈情境化和个性化,”首席执行官埃文·夏皮罗说, ESHAP. “我认为其中一个关键是内容和环境对喜欢它的人来说更具体, the better that experience is. 有多少广告并不重要,他们只是在空间中寻找乐趣.” He asks Darcy Lorincz, Chief Technology Officer, Barrett-Jackson Auction Company他谈到了目前向用户提供超定制广告的可行性,尤其是在直播领域. “Is that a thing? Can we pump different ad loads to different people?”

“Certainly,” Lorincz says. “我的意思是, 你必须了解你的客户,他们必须能够选择加入并向你提供更多信息. We have a fantasy bid platform that sits beside our streaming platform. And if you want to win a Dodge Challenger, 你会给我们提供比平时(看)节目更多的信息. So we know your affinity -- we don't necessarily know you like Dodge yet, but you tell us what cars you like, you tell us what brands in automotive are important to you, all these checkboxes. 但如果你不勾选这些选项,你就无法进入梦幻竞标平台. 所以这些人:绝对是你说的……我们可以整天瞄准他们, especially in streaming.”

“And isn't that the answer to a lot of these conundrums?夏皮罗说. “如果这种体验可以被迎合——不是指食物——我们就不能提高广告的效果吗?? Can't we improve the experience itself and keep churn down? Isn't that where we're headed?”

“Let me jump into some crazy stuff right now,” Lorincz says. “因此,我们正在开发汽车虚拟世界,在那里你将直接进入体验,所有这些都是品牌, 你知道, you can sim race in there, you can own a home, you can collect virtual cars, and buy NFTs and do all that crazy stuff. 因此,这就是沉浸式体验和品牌参与的极致. You're actually creating your own experience through this.”


“He doesn’t own the metaverse,” Lorincz says.

“He thinks he does!夏皮罗说. “Web3的前提是社区和消费者的游戏……在过去的几个月里,我们已经忘记了nft的叮当声, 而是知识产权,我们实际上可以出售其中的一小部分……”他强调了艺术家如何 班克斯 released a painting for $40 million and then “fractionalized it.夏皮罗说:“在我看来,这就是区块链智能合约和Web3的正确使用。 Patreon 我要把我的知识产权卖给我的听众, my most passionate fans.他问广播和电子传播艺术教授迪娜·易卜拉欣, San Francisco State University, about her thoughts on these developments. “Is that going to be a thing? 我们在Web3中是否看到了与Web2不同的盈利机会?”

“Yes,” Ibrahim says. “For independent content creators for sure. And then they're also in charge of generating their own advertising. Someone mentioned thoughts on 不和. 不和是一个用于营销个人内容创作者平台的绝妙社区, 然后拥有货币化的所有权,而无需与任何其他公司打交道……基本上是个人的有限责任公司, 化为分数, and monetizing content. It’s all about the micro and the meta, and 不和 as an enormous community.”

Learn more about personalized streaming advertising at 流媒体 West 2022.

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